Tuesday, March 1, 2011

recipe for gezpacho

Una Receta Para Gazpacho de www.cocinayrecetas.net (Recipe based off of this website)

Ingredientes y que necesitas: (Ingredients and what you will need)

Una batidora (A blender)

Una jarra (A pitcher)

Un colador (A strainer)

Un pepino (A bell pepper, red or green is fine)

Cinco tomates, mediano (Five medium tomatoes)

Un pimiento (A cucumber)

Un ajo (A few cloves of garlic)

Un poquito de sal (A bit of salt)

Una rebanada de pan (A slice of bread without the crust)

Medio vasito de vinagre (blanco y blando) (white, bland vinegar, about half a cup)

Medio vasito de aceite (oliva) (about half a cup of olive oil)

Y agua fresca (cold water, as much as you want depending on you soupy you want it)

Primero, quítale la cortecita de la rebanada de pan. (First, make sure the crust is of the bread)

Pon en remojo. (Put it in water, it should be nice and soggy)

Quita las impurezas del ajo. (Peel the garlic cloves.)

Corta el ajo en trocitos. (Cut into small pieces)

Parte los tomates. Elimina las impurezas. (Cut up tomatoes but don't use the bad parts like the top)

Córtalos en trocitos pequeñitos. Estos son mejor. (Cut into small pieces)

Eche a la batidora. (Add all of that to the blender)

Corta un trocito de pimiento. Abre en la mitad y corta en trocitos pequeños. (Cut up the pepper and don't use the inside of it. Cut it into small pieces)

Eche al batidora (Add that to the blender too.)

Se corta un torsito del pepino y quita la peladura. (Peel the cucumber and cut it into tiny pieces. I wouldn't add it to the blender cause I like having the chunks in there when I eat the soup, so leave it out even though she says to add it.)

Corta también en trocitos pequeñitos. (Again with the cutting it up.)

Ahora, tienes los tomates, el pepino y el pimiento en el batidor. (Now you have everything in the blender but NOT the cucumber cause I said so!)

Ahora continuación, corta el pan y ensena. (Okay so now you are supposed to add the bread but I already told you to so whatever.)

Pon la sal, como quieres. Si te gusta más, use más. (Add the salt, however much you want. Aka use lots! Yum!)

Eche el vinagre y aceite. (Add the oil and vinegar.)

Y eche el agua fresco. (Now add the cold water.)

Si quieres más espeso o más caldoso, use más o menos agua. (Again, how soupy do you want it? Add that amount of water.)

Pasa a triturarlo. (Blend blend blend!)

Pon en una jarra y use un calador. (Strain it if you want, and put it in the pitcher. Now stick it in the fridge, after you add the cucumber.)

Sirve fresquito. (Serve it cold.)

Pon en la nevera. (In other words, keep it in the fridge.)

Okay and my final advice is that you should toast some white bread, but good white bread not the cheap Wonderbread stuff. But toast if after you cut it up into pieces, about one square inch pieces. Then you eat that in it and it is super delicious! The picture up top is the gezpacho I had in Barcelona. Que rica!


  1. michelle!!! did you write the spanish yourself with no help from a translator? or translate the recipe by yourself? if so i'm super impressed!!!

  2. Haha yes I did write it and translate it... I should probably not tell everyone I still suck at Spanish but I feel like I do! I suppose it isn't really true though. But the main purpose of speaking it is to impress you!
