Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fish and Futbol

Just a few pictures from my day today :)
Which included: ab ripper, Harry Potter 7 in Spanish while eating a chocolate crepe and having mango tea, buying two new pairs of boots, the Bachelor, two and a half hours of playing Rummi with my host mom, and a tour of the Racing Santander futbol stadium.

Fish Market

Hopefully he didn't find Nemo.
Racing Santander

Just a few fun facts about Racing:
They were the first team with 25 paid players.
They were also the first team to have foreigners on their team.
Some guy just bought the club and gave them like 30 million euro to stop sucking. Hopefully it works.
Before games, players have to arrive at ten in the morning. Every minute they are late they have to pay their coach 40 euro.
They have a player from Sweden on their team. Fantastic.
Before they play, they take speedy leg baths between hundred degree water and 33 degree water to get their muscles all freaking out and working.
Their weight room is less impressive than our high school one.
When they first started the club, it was people who were working and studying and also played soccer on the side. Now it is real, so all they do is play soccer. And take ice baths.
One of their players is a model. He is very attractive.
They were the first team to use advertisement on their jerseys.
At one point they were the team with the most consecutive years in the top division. Not anymore, but you've gotta remember the good ol' days.
Once, they beat Real Madrid. And everyone still talks about it. Whenever you say "Racing sucks" they say "OH WELL WE BEAT MADRID BY FIVE POINTS" and they have shirts with the date and a hand on it, one finger per goal they won by. It's a big deal. You don't mess with Racing when you are in Santander.

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