Tuesday, March 22, 2011

101 and 10

This is post 101. How weird is that? You've read 100 nonsensical posts by me so far. Well, I doubt you've read every single one, but still. And 10: the days left. What. What. What.

I remember getting on the plane to come here and getting creeped out by the man from Wisconsin.
I remember getting to Madrid and being starving and eating a bag of potato chips cause that was the only thing they had other than stale hard crusted looking pastries.
I remember getting to Santander and driving out with Tete to see the coastline.
I remember the insane storm we had that was hurricane force; I was in love with it, and was wet.
I remember so many days, so many moments, but not six and a half month worth... how is it possible that so many things have happened in such a short period of time?
I walked along the beach tonight at about 7:2o so the sun was going down. Normally I have my camera with me, and I felt kind of naked without it. But tonight, without my camera trying to capture the pink and purple sky and the waves smashing all over the lighthouse it was so still; there was nothing to capture except the moment. And then I found 20 dollars :) Just kidding. But honestly, I never felt closer to God than that moment. The huge ocean and the waves that just do their thing regardless of what happens (okay with the exception of the tsunami, the Japanese people would disagree with me greatly) but nevertheless, it was just still. Those moments are few in life. The moments when there is nothing but you and the air and in this case, the ocean. What will I do when I can't just go down to the beach when I feel like it? Yet even as nostalgic as I am being....

I WANT PIZZA! and a burrito and a cheese burger and bbq sauce and pesto on paninis and a caramel apple. I want to see the stars at night. And sit on the leather coach after those first three seconds when the leather is freezing. So I have a list going, of things I will eat and do when I get back. But for now, I have a list of how I will spend my last few days.
It started with Taylor Swift last weekend, and no blog post will ever do it justice. Ever. So I am not going to waste our time. Instead I'll jump to tomorrow and what my "plan" is, which will probably fail but we'll check that in 24 hours.

1. Get up at a decent time of 8:30 and have breakfast
2. Ab ripper... gotta do Tee and Tony proud.
3. Attempt to control hair.
4. Walk along coast to downtown to do some present shopping.
5. Go to the store where I got my cow mug to get some candy and then go get yogurt as a snack.
6. Not have Regma ice cream because that would be four days in a row.
7. Instead of Regma, go to Rana Verde for some bravas.
8. Walk home.
9. Lunch, class, class.
10. And somewhere in there, write a 15 page paper.

Goal set. Mission to be accomplished. Hopefully :) Day 10, be good to me!

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