Thursday, March 3, 2011

For the love of food.

I am on page 100 of Harry Potter in Spanish. I also managed to make a hostel reservation for tomorrow night in Burgos, in Spanish. Then I ordered the most delicious thing on the planet, although I did order in Spanish it was a "see that one on the bottom in the front? That one." kind of deal. So now I can't tell you the name. Instead, I am going to give you one of my "Michelle fails at explaining things without adding -y, -ish, or -type thing to the end of her words" explainations.
Okay here we go:
Have you ever had that type of bread they bake and it dries in layers and gets hard and kind of flakey like a crissount? It was two layers of that, and in the middle was cream. But the cream here isn't like the fake cream filling in the States. It is a yellow color, but not because it tastes like vanilla or because they add coloring. It tastes like chilly sweet cream, and is a consistancy between mousse and pudding. And then on top, you know the frosting they use on those Christmas cookies that is usually a horrible dyed color like pink, actually Easter cookies might be a better season to associate them with. But anyway, that frosting turns into one hard and shiny layer when it dries. Well that was on top, only it was just white and natural, so you don't feel like you are eating the Easter Bunny's entire year's supply of egg dye when you eat it.
My original plan for the day went something like this: wake up at 8:30, breakfast, work out, shower, go to school and work on my project, lunch, babysit Maria, go do my language exchange and then meet with Gloria to talk about my trip to Burgos tomorrow.
This is how it really went: woke up at 9:15 (an improvement from the past 10:15 wake ups this week), checked Facebook, ate a banana (two points for waking up and being healthy), had two cups of hot chocolate, read HP7, ate Milka chocolate instead of working out, watched three episodes of Grey's Anatomy instead of doing homework, found out Maria was with her grandparents and my intercambio had a meeting with his professor, so spent the afternoon eating things and watching tv and googling things to do in Burgos. Then went to see Gloria, talked about boys who care too much about their hair and boys with too much hair, and then went and spent 3,10 e on three sobao (pound cake with the air sucked out of it type thing) and the delicious creamy thing.
I just got on Facebook and saw the dreaded daily special of Backcountry Provisions. Now, prior to this summer I wasn't a fan. The whole obsession with BCP was kind of foreign to me. But then I discovered the following sandwich: 1/2 a french baguette, roasted turkey, munster cheese, pesto, avacado, lettuce and tomato. My life will never be the same. And so now I am fantasizing about that sandwich while eating too much sobao before dinner.
Yes, I miss my family and my friends and Roo and his stinky farts. That's just a given. But deep down in my heart, the one thing I ache for is food. While I realize life is short and we have to love the people in our lives, I know they will always be there for me. Even if they died, they will always be there loving me. So honestly, what I miss the most is food. Because that won't always be there because right now, someone is eating my perfect sandwich and that munster cheese will never be mine. Ever. But when I leave, someone will be eating the patatas bravas and the churros con chocolate that I should be eating. So many poor pieces of food will never know how much I truly adore them.
In the movie "A Horse With A Grey Flannel Suit" which you probably haven't seen because it might have been one of those movies only my family was in love with, but anyway, he falls in love with her when he is watching her eat a hot dog. I think if a guy ever told me he loved how I ate and loved watching me eat, I would cry from joy. And if I met a guy who truly adored food like I do, AND loved watching me eat AND understood that his food is my food but my food is mine, I would just have to marry him on the spot. The post I put up about dating a girl who reads, well it should be "Date a girl who reads and eats." Because food is the next best thing to falling in love. And unlike falling in love, which can sometimes go south and leave you, food will be the one that is in bed with you (although hopefully in a container or your mouth and not in the sheets) making you feel so much better.

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