Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Want some honey, honey?

There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea. ~Bernard-Paul Heroux

I asked Tete if I could use some honey for my tea. I turned around to get the second cup of boiling water out of the microwave. Upon turning around, I saw Tete using a cooking spoon to pour honey into my Seville travel mug. A cooking spoon. Now, I am all for honey. I love honey sticks and honey before ski races and generally I'd eat a spoonful just for fun. But as she dipped that three tablespoon sized shovel back into the honey, I froze. Normally, when someone is serving you, they say " Tell me when!" and then you awkwardly respond "When?........" and hope they stop. I haven't figured out the Spanish version of this, which results in massive amounts of honey, soup, salad, chocolate, blood sausage, microwave potatoes, and squid out of a can with ink.

I will have no lack of energy today, when we go to see the Magdelena Palace for class, that's for sure. And the next thing on my to-do list is figure out how to say "When!" in Spanish.

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