Text From Last Night (the not so PG part of my blog)

This is my daily comical break from life. These are the Text From Last Night that must be saved, because they are epic.


(210) Grilled cheese is the best thing. ever. better than boys, and alcohol, and sex, and chocolate, and money. But not really the last two.
(631): It's official. Every single white female in their late teens and early 20s get their fb statuses form a pool of cliched "quotes" which all say, without saying, "boys treat me like shit, I know they do, but one day I'll find 'the guy' who will treat me right no matter how psychotic I am." Vom.
i'm satisfied with the level of pretty that his new girlfriend isn't.
(919): Learn some fucking English or leave me alone! "Your" is for something that belongs to you, like 'your herpes'. And "you're" is a contraction for "you are", like "you're not sleeping with me".
(306): Well hey if hot cowboys are involved then all bets are off.
(862): 5 years of college and never once did they teach us how to respond when you overhear a group of 7th grade boys who are in your class talking about how you're definitely DTF
(973): children are so perceptive these days... and horny

(314): So I think we're almost at the age where we should start calling boys men. Now what age do they start living up to the new title?
(816):Most never. Some around 65.


I'm pretty sure there is a country song about this exact situation

we were canoeing in the lake and i asked if he was too drunk for this, and he said "don't worry about it, i'm half native american"

What can I say, he stumbled upon the key to my heart: orgasms and mac 'n cheese.