Friday, February 25, 2011

Wanna be Popeye?

I used to hate spinach when I was little. Well, I liked it with my butter and salt. Mind you, that meant about three table spoons of butter and a ton of salt with a tiny amount of spinach. Tete makes a spinach soup, and it is pretty fantastic and I can now add it to a growing list of foods I now like since coming to Spain. So here is the recipe, in case you want to try it sometime. As I said with the paella, most of her cooking is "you just add a bit of this, or just add however much you want of that..." and most importantly "use as much olive oil as you want, but more is better even if it makes you fat."

What you'll need (ish....):
-1 large can of spinach. You can use fresh spinach if you want, Tete says that you don't need to boil it prior to cooking with, but you might want to anyway. Otherwise, just follow the recipe normally but with your fresh spinach.
-1/3 cup olive oil
-2 large eggs
-garlic, three cloves, sliced
- 1/4 cup flour
-2 cups water (as soupy as you want it...)
-1 chicken bullon cube

Okay here's what you do:
First off, drain the water from the spinach if it was canned.
Cut spinach up so it is in small pieces.
In a medium soup pot you are going to heat the olive oil.
Once it is heated up you are going to add the garlic. Cook it till it browns.
Once it browns you will add the flour, mix it quickly.
Now you will add the paprika; Tete uses five or six shakes from the can. I'd guesstimate that is about three teaspoons.
When the flour is mixed in and turns light brown, add the spinach.
Again, mix quickly and try to even out the flour through the spinach.
Now take it off the heat and add two cups of water. (and I'll say it again... however much you want, the more water, the soupier it will be)
Once you add the water you can put it back on the heat to let it cook a little bit.
Break up the chicken bullon and add it to the pot.
Keep cooking it over medium heat while you mix.
Once you've cooked it enough to make it all mixed and even, you'll add the two large eggs.
Remove from heat when you add them, mix them up quickly and then add to heat to cook.
The eggs will turn white when they are done, this really doesn't take much time of cooking, maybe about three minutes.
You can add however much salt you want, depending on if you are like me and are obsessed with salty food, or if you are healthier and don't need to pretend you are a fish who survives on sea water.

Now I officially know two recipes from Tete's kitchen, and hopefully I explained them well enough that you can make them too, if you want. Cause they are pretty delicious, just saying.

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