Saturday, February 12, 2011

Paella from the kitchen of Tete!

This might be the worst recipe you've ever read, beware.

Okay here is what you are going to need:
large shrimp
small shrimp
clams in the shell
(for these, you can use as much as you'd like. Literally. Tete uses about 10 large shrimp, two cups of calamari, three cups of clams in the shell, and two cups of scallops.)
green and red peppers, cut up into small pieces-- about three cups total
fish and shell fish soup broth (I think you can buy this in the states but am not positive.)
two cloves of garlic, crushed
a tablespoon of cilantro crushed
one lemon
rice bomba (not sure what that type is in English, but it is tiny and
white!) (one kilo)
paella mix (you can buy this in a dry pack, Ducros is the brand here but any work!)
four chicken bullon cubes
one cup of Olive oil (but as Tete says: the more you use the better, it makes you fat but it is best.)
half a cup of peas
half a cup sliced carrots

So you are going to use the most massive pot you have. But not a deep one... does that make sense?
Heat the olive oil up and you are going to add the veggies to the oil to cook them. Rinse all of the seafood really well, and add the calamari, scallops, clams and small shrimp to the cooking veggies. You're going to cook this until the peppers are soft. Now you will add the kilo of rice to the cooking pan. You can use as much or as little rice as you want, but for however much you use, you will use double the amount of water+soup broth. S
o for one kilo rice, add two kilo of water and broth. Mix everything up so that it can cook evenly.
You are going to let it cook at just under a boil for twenty minutes. While it is cooking you will add the bullon cubes, crushed up. And you will add the cilantro and garlic and lemon. Then add the paella mix. Stir everything up and then taste the broth... if you want it to be saltier add some salt! Once you have added everything you are going to lay the ten shrimp on top of the paella to cook.Half way through you will flip them onto their other side to cook. After you have cooked the paella for 20 minutes you can put a towel over the paella to keep it warm and moist.

There you go! That is how you make Tete's paella :)

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