Monday, November 15, 2010

Walk quickly and carry a big umbrella.

If you are ever walking with a Spanish person, you'll probably notice a few things:
1. You are out of breath
2. Your legs, despite being inches longer than theirs, are far less efficient/speedy
3. You aren't perfected the power walk yet
4. You have to jog every few minutes to catch up
5. No matter how fast you think you are going, they are faster.

If you are ever walking in Spain, you'll also notice:
1. It will probably rain on you if you plan on a walk of any duration above two minutes
2. Your umbrella is not going to survive, instead it is going to turn inside out and break in multiple places.
3. There will be other massacred umbrellas in all the trash cans.
4. Everyone and their mother seems to have an unending supply of umbrellas. No matter how many they break, another suddenly appears in their hand/bag/purse/car.
5. You are going to get wet. End of story.

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