Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Letter to a dear friend.

Dear Flan,
I understand that you are delicious, that you are available due to Madre's desire to fatten me up like a little cherub, however, due to my inability to work out and my lack of motivation to go on a run daily to work off my weight in flan, please stop seducing me. Also, if you would inform your friends Nutella and Regma ice cream that I am no longer on the market, I am sure I will find a healthier boyfriend such as the ever eligible bachelors Apple and Orange. Now, I realize that when presented to me in a plate, just after I get out of the shower and you come in all jiggly and declisiouly on a large plate to tempt me as Madre croons "Come, por favor, Guapa, es sano......." it might seem only polite to be consumed, yet I am fairly certain this behavior needs to stop. Not only is it scandalous, but it is just unkind and a bit like torture. Perhaps we could find you a job torturing terrorists, or creepers in jail, but for the love of God's green Earth, back off, jack off.
Love you much,

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