Friday, November 12, 2010

Moss and green things that grow

I am constantly astounded by the ability moss has to grow anywhere. Or even plants, for that matter. Out of rocks, on rocks, on trees... as corny as it is, the fact that something can grow despite the circumstances just intrigues me. I was home sick today, which was typical because the past week we have literally had a hurricane and today it decided to blast sunlight and be 71 degrees, while I was stuck in bed.

I didn't know I was in a hurricane, when I was. I mean, I'm from Steamboat. I do white out blizzards, near death driving on Rabbit Ears, four feet all at once snow, but I don't do hurricanes. Well, I didn't. I guess I do now. The official definition of a hurricane is a huge storm caused by warm and cold water mixing; that is according to Rachael who is from Atlanta and goes to school in New Orleans, so if I am gonna quote her on anything, I'd probably guess that she was right about that, so I won't be called out. Well, I'd quote her on that and on anything pertaining to Louise Vouton (yes, I just spell checked that to see if it is available. It isn't. So pardon me for the spelling issue.)

I'm the worst at getting sick, because I absolutely can not stay inside all day. I refuse to do it. I did once, after a slightly rough night out and a rain storm and I thought I was going to die. I mean, I love my little cave, and you can definitely tell I've been sick because there are clothes all over the place and it looks like my room at home, but I just can't stay inside. But back to my story about how I love moss and why that is relevant at all to my day/life/your reading this/but let's just be honest it probably won't really be relevant. I went out for a walk to watch the sunset. I've realized, other than my obsession with moss and green things that grow, that I love being alone. Which might sound weird, for an almost 20 year old to just be realizing that, but I think between the boyfriends, the family, friends at school and living with a roommate in my room for two years, I just never spent time on my own enough. But since getting here, the days or afternoons I spend exploring on my own, walking on my own, eating on my own, are the best. Today I found out that I can bypass the huge long walk around the bay and instead walk over the hill by two palaces and the mansions of Santader's wealthiest, including the owner of Banco Santander which is the biggest bank in Spain and one of the top banks in Europe. No big deal or anything, but we are practically neighbors. So if you feel like robbing him, I can scope it out for you.

The most beautiful area to walk here, aside from along the coast and beach, is called Calle Reina Victoria (Queen Victoria) and it has all these vine covered gazebos and walks along the coast. So on one side you have huge mansions, palaces, and houses that you want to take creepy pictures of (which I did...) and kind of want to just knock on their door and announce that you are their long lost child and hope the husband was scandalous enough to believe he knocked up your "mom. Then on the other side you have the ocean, this islandy beach, and behind that you have little towns and rolling green hills and then mountains covered in snow. It's enough to make anyone just want to stand and stare for the rest of their life. Or until the sun goes down and you can't see anything anymore.

Along my walk I was the creepy person taking pictures of beautiful houses, of the sunset, and of moss. I'm pretty sure a little girl asked her mother why I was taking pictures of the ground. I felt borderline pedifile taking pictures right by an elementary school, but at least I was taking pictures of the moss and not the precious kids. Now is when my "I want to kidnap babies and cuddle with them" comment comes in and I just step up my creepiness to the max. But I like kids. In a strictly let me kiss you and squeeze you and love you kind of way. Not, as a friend so kindly suggested, in a Michael Jackson way. But don't worry, when he called me Michael, I just thought he forgot my name and reminded him that my name is Michelle. He then reminded me that I am a possible pedifile like Michael. And that thank you very much but he knows my name. I think I give too little credit to the male gender.

My walk ended at Lupa, the grocery that is right by my house. Which means that whenever I motivate and do anything, like go on a walk on the beach cause that is such hard work, or don't buy Regma icecream when I walk by it three times a day, I reward myself with a trip to Lupa for donuts. Because those are so healthy and everything.

I guess the moral of this "story" is that, despite all things, moss grows. You can hurricane on it, and you'll still have moss growing all over. Okay maybe not so much in winter when it's blizzarding, but still. I guess it makes the corny "Michelle is trying to grow up and discover herself so she can do something awesome with her life other than write about eating donuts" part of me want to hope that despite whatever situation I am in, I'll find some way to grow from it. Now is when you can all get out your kleneex or, if you are my mom, you can get out a handkerchief, and dab your eyes :)

On to a quick new topic called my other new obsession other than moss is Modern Family. I love it. If you have 20 minutes when you are eating and kind of bored, get on and start with season one. I promise you will:
a. be laughing a little bit hilariously (perhaps to the extent that your roommate goes and buys ear plugs. Which might also be the partial result of your sleep talking, not that it just happened to me or anything.)
b. never be bored again when given 20 minutes to watch
c. be addicted to something awesome
d. find every part to be relevant in some way to your own family.

I just really appreciate a show, book or movie that can depict real life. Or that can use intelligent humor, can tie everything together, doesn't have to use sex/drugs/rock and roll to get people interested, and can hold my attention repeatedly. Such as HP (one week till it comes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and till I see it in Spanish, not too excited but at least I can see it, right?) anything by Jane Austen, and I would say Grey's Anatomy but they really just get me with the scandal, the sex, the surgery and the constant blood and love.
Just watch it. And appreciate how great moss is. And try and see deep corny messages from plants. Love you bye!

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