Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Accidental Spanish

I always surprise myself at the things I manage to do in Spanish, on accident. I managed in the last two days to reset my phone to have sound for everything except text messages and my alarm. Which only took two days of waking up four minutes before class to figure out. I have successfully turned the sound back on (after going through every single function and option on my whole phone) but am yet to figure out the text message alert issue. I also managed to order a chocolate cone with my ice cream on accident, however that one ended up being the best mistake I have made in a while.

I am also, as I have previously noted, astounded by my ability to fall over. I was walking to go nanny the little girl that I am supposed to be teaching English, despite her distaste for the language, and was leaning out to decide if I was going to be quick enough to walk infront of a car and make it to her house on time, when instead of just leaning, I full on dove into the middle of the road. Blaming my jeans seems like the most logical solution. The first time I tripped in these jeans, I was walking to work sophomore year of high school (yes, I have had these jeans far too long I know) and it was December so I don't know what I was thinking wearing my new cowgirl boots in a blizzard, but I saw my boss from FM Lights and in the process of turning around to tell him hello and make a great impression, I caught the toe of my boot on the edge of the sidewalk and ended up sprawled on the sidewalk with a new hole in my jeans and a bleeding knee.
Yesterday's trip was just about that quality, except that instead of just ripping my jeans, I re-ripped the same exact spot so now the hole is three inches wide and was a little window of pain and blood. When I showed up to nanny, the little girl spent five minutes on her fake phone callin "my doctor" to get me an appointment right away. She then told me I had to leave right away because I was broken. She is more determined not to learn English than Roo would be to learn how to sit still for longer than 15 seconds. For those of you who don't know Roo, he is our dumpster meth rescue puppy. If that doesn't explain it, nothing will.

Now I have to show you how amazing my friend Lizzy is when it comes to philosophies. This is her latest wisdom:
Average frat guy:
-Excessive amount of polos in wardrobe.
-No respect for women.
-Learn about respect for women in pledge classes, but don't act on it.
-Play sweet, caring, but in all actuality do not give two shits unless you sleep with them
-love having multiple women at all times.
-Feel they're entitled to better girls because they are in a frat.

So anyway, I felt that was necessary to share with everyone. I was super worried when I came to Spain that I would be friendless and a freak upon returning. After enough conversations about future cuddle dates and slightly questionable sleepovers that will happen, I am now 100% sure that I have the perviest, funniest and unescapable friends a girl could ask for. Which is a relief because it makes being over here a lot easier.

I have been thinking about my blog and about the fact that in general, mostly I just talk about how ridiculous life is. So I am going to try to go find more exciting things other than falling off of sidewalks so that I can keep you better entertained. I also want to make an ongoing list of restaurants I go to, travel tips, and general "if you are going to Spain you need to know this" type of info. That way, if anyone other than my ever loyal family and the girls I peer pressure into reading this with threats reads this trying to learn about Spain they will find it useful. That will be my New Years resolution. Maybe this year, I'll make it happen. Starting a little early.

PS. I love Josh Tuner. And I found country radio online. So that is my new obsession. I will also have to post a page on where to watch tv, listen to radio, etc online in Europe. My to-do list is huge, which is exciting :)

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