Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dia Accion de Gracias

Here is my list of what I am thankful for this year:

1. my car
2. being in Spain
3. not getting taken
4. somehow figuring out how great it is to have alone time
5. having two crazy fist fighting sisters
6. having a very stinky puppy
7. meeting the best friends in the world last semester
8. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part one
9. Skype
10. Easton Corbin
11. learning how to turn on the heater
12. being forced to try new foods
13. having the "typical" college trip to Europe and being clueless
14. Linnea and her family and the knowledge that I will have a family to spend Christmas with
15. the relationships and friendships that you make that last international distances
16. TSwift
17. Glee, Modern Family and Grey's for being my weekly doses of America so I don't resort to McDonalds
18. Cafe con leche
19. a Spanish mom determined to fatten me up
20. my knee and ankle kind of cooperating on letting me run
21. Ibuprofen for when my knee and ankle don't feel like being my friends
22. Emma for having the same brain as me.
23. Food
24. for having a chance to spend a year in Europe and theoretically grow up and learn a lot about myself, other than how much I love American food and how long and big the beds are.
25. For having a life full of so many things that make me so happy and for having all around the best year yet.

Okay now that my corny little reflection is done, let me tell you about Thanksgiving in Spain. First off, I forgot it was Thanksgiving. Then we went to class and I realized I was supposed to be giving a presentation on food, surprise surprise, in Spanish. So I started Google translating all the traditional foods that we eat at Thanksgiving. I left out green bean casserol, cause I thought for sure we were the only freaks who ate that nasty nasty thing, but turns out when I listed all the food the first thing my classmates said was "OH! And green bean casserol!" offff course.

So then we progressed to make hand turkeys... if you haven't done this, I highly recommend it. We put them all over the board in class. At which point we could either continue thinking of things to make, or start failing at learning the subjunctive. Chris then took his shirt off, a normal occurance for a regular class of course........... and started cutting it up into an indian shirt to match his indian head dress deal. Of course we all then started making indian headbands with feathers and stormed up to Gloria's office and forced her to come see our awesome turkey hands and run around screaming turkey mating calls just to ensure that everyone knew that the Americans were having a fiesta.

After class I went down to the computer lab to find nearly the entire ISA group watching Charlie Brown Thanksgiving on Chris' laptop. Which we then changed to Pochahontis (I could never spell that even when I was little. Then again, I couldn't even spell my own last name till I was about 11, so cut me some slack.) and so thus far I'd have to say my Thanksgiving has been a success. Tonight we are going out as a group for a theoretically Thanksgiving style dinner. We were promised turkey and mashed potatoes and pumpkin which I am hoping comes in the form of a pie. Not a jack-o-lantern or something. They get a little confused when it comes to which holiday it is.

I got to witness my father "squish-machine" my aunt on Skype as well, which is always special in its own slightly creepy dad kind of way, and despite being slightly upset that I will be missing watching my family run around in Wash Park for our turkey bowl football, and will not get to obsessively kiss my new baby cousin, I am also pretty pumped that I get to wear a dress and go spend this year's Thanksgiving with my new "family."

That's enough of this slightly emo and corny blog, because if I keep it up I will make everyone bored and really, stories about me making a fool of myself are just a little more entertaining. On which note you will be pleased to know that I spent last night being told I was stupid and ugly by the friend of the girl I nanny, to which the only responses I knew were a long line of curse words so I was forced to sit there death glaring him until he got bored and started punching the little girl. I didn't think backhanding him was the best form of action. So instead I kept watching Hello Kitty and thanked the lord that I would never have a child in Spain, since their best form of discipline is: if you don't stop I will only give you five cookies instead of six.

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