Sunday, November 7, 2010

maybe it's time to motivate?

Here's my number one problem about Sundays: I sit around and think about all the things I should be doing.
For example:
1. Running off the three pieces of different pastries and the chocolate mousse that Ma fed me last night.
2. Washing the tattoos that her granddaughters gave me off my hands and arms.
3. Writing the first few pages of my eleven page paper.
4. Doing Spanish homework (and also, remembering what the homework is would be a good start)
5. Making vocabulary cards because I am DETERMINED to be fluent soon. It's just not working. Something's gotta change.
6. Getting all my papers lined out to go to the police tomorrow to declare myself NOT a their/terrorist/prostitute/homeless person/assassin/kidnapper (other than babies and cute little animals)
7. Stretching
8. Cleaning my room slash trying to find all the things that I lost (and trying to remember what all those things are)
9. Searching for all my MIA socks.
10. Blow drying my soaking boots.
11. Not sitting on my bed for hours stalking every person I am friends with, all their boyfriends, all their ex boyfriends, all their friends/sisters/brothers/mothers.
12. Reading guide books about Spain so I know how to get from Madrid to Santander for less than 200euro.
13. Booking my plane ticket from Madrid to Seville (YAY)
14. Eating lunch (this one might actually tempt me enough to accomplish)
15. Reading HP instead of stalking.

Overall, the culprit is Facebook and the victim of seduction by Facebook is me. I think it is time for Facebook and I to sit down and have a little talk, things are just not working out, he demands all my time and is far too needy and dull yet addictive. I think it is time we broke things off for a little while....
however, like with all bad boys, I know I'll keep coming back. What a tragedy.

OH but can I also just add that I got Belle on the FB Disney Princess survey? This is why we can never break up, because that is necessary to my life happiness. Can you imagine if I had gotten Snow White? Or Sleeping Beauty? The world as we know it, would be over. I'd have to take down my Belle poster on my door or would have to pretend that quiz never happened (kind of like when I got Slytherine on the which House would you be in quiz. I deleted that ASAP and am ashamed.)

AND my Ma made Paella for lunch today. I'll report back as to how legendary it is. I am preparing to be astounded by food amazingness, hopefully I'm not let down!

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