Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year, New Boys

Victoria's Secret has a shirt that says: New Year, New Boys. I want it. Lizzy has it, and I am jealous every time I see her picture in it. She also has one that says "Warm Me Up" and I considered getting the "Let's Makeout" shirt, but that might have been a little much and we all know Spaniards would take it quite literally. Not that they ever need an invitation to feel it is their right to kiss you.

This year has been so full of change that I feel like I have been living in some ridiculous whirlwind of someone else's life, of which I sit and watch and laugh at, constantly surprised at the ridiculous things that occur. Sometimes I wonder if I had a camera following me around like on The Hills, if I wouldn't be more famous than all those blonde idiots simply because there are so many creepers in my life. Regardless, this year I am determined to make a few adjustments. I can't complain about a single thing that has happened in 2010; 2010 was one of my favorite years so far. Which means 2011 will take a lot to top it, and I can't wait :)

Bring it on 2011, I am going to take you down in the following ways:
1. Stop starting all my sentences with "I"
2. Write about things that actually happen each day
3. Update this list regularly with the things I am forgetting right now
4. Go on a walk every single afternoon in Santander.
5. and stop watching so much TV instead of going on walks
6. Stop Facebook stalking for hours on end.
7. Email as many newspapers as possible forcing myself on them in the form of a blog.
8. Go to either: Ireland, Germany, France, or Switzerland
9. Find a great apartment and have lots of mismatched dishes
10. Find a couch for great apartment (also, apartment must have fireplace, bathtub, and large area for football parties.)
11. Go to a Broncos game.
12. Go to a warm beach and get a killer tan (possibly Spring Break '12 but make it a goal for money saving)
13. Ride pretty blue bike everywhere and maintain Euro-style walking instead of driving three blocks due to laziness.
14. Do not get addicted to Starbucks, Coke (a-cola) or regular coke, tanning, dying hair, or Facebook (but first must break FB addiction, then avoid it in future)
15. Stop spending money on things like Cosmo, nail polish, beer, and burritos.
16. Keep Mackey clean and take to car wash regularly.
17. Do not get pulled over or arrested.
18. NO MIC or MIP before 21st birthday.
19. Survive 21st birthday.
20. Pass calculus
21. Fix knee/ankle
22. Go backpacking and fishing and hiking
23. Camp in the Pouder in the fall
24. Learn to be really awesome chef
25. Avoid kissing bartenders
26. Stop falling off sidewalks
27. Make it until phone upgrade without breaking phone
28. Stop getting fat in Spain by doing crunches every night, push ups, power walking (sexyyy) and avoiding donuts at Lupa
29. Find job in FoCo
30. Stop worrying about ending up alone/with cats/size of whale/with ugly husband.
31. Refrain from thinking Worst Case Senario as a fun past time, as it is not fun and really just induces stress
32. Don't get bombed in terrorist action while in Europe
33. Don't spend only money left upon returning to the States on Noodles and Company, sushi, Chai, Qdoba, chicken tortilla soup, Ciao Gellato
34. Stop fantasizing about fictional characters
35. Stop fantasizing about boy six packs and find personal motivation to go to the gym other than beefy boys.
36. Go to gym on regular basis.
37. Eat healthy (not entire bags of chips in one sitting)
38. Pray more, and go to church, and stop being selfish/un-holy
39. Behave better in public and stop saying rude things about weirdos
40. Be fluent in Spanish (as to allow for yelling at people in Spanish when upset)
41. DO NOT buy a puppy.
42. Fall in love, please?
43. Fall in love with a hottie, actually.
44. Figure out what is going on with life/what I am supposed to be doing with myself
45. Maybe declare English major, but as a double major since Business will make sure I have some type of job
46. Be braver, smarter, wiser, politer, not so messy
47. Find cure for cancer, global warming, save polar bears, stop pollution
48. Become famous for saving world and then write novel that is better than Harry Potter
49. Stalk JK Rowling and force her to teach me her ways
50. Love life. In the cliche be all you can be and love yourself and have a blast and be stupid and young and crazy way. Also involving lots of crazy nights, lots of hugging and sappy movies, lots of love and babies and puppies and kittens and baby seals and eat lots of cheese and tell everyone I love you and smile at everyone and don't kick pigeons and always write thank you letters and just in general be happy.

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