Saturday, December 11, 2010

babies on a plane.

This is just a short one about a hilarious article I just read:
There are new concerns about if babies need to be strapped into their own seat on planes instead of being held by their moms.

I would just like to know what good it will do to have a baby strapped in its own seat if the plane crashes. Ensuring that it is strapped in will definitely be the first thing on anyone's mind when they are in a crashing plane. Also, if I was about to die and had a baby with me, I would probably immediately grab it out of the strapped in seat and hold onto it screaming that I loved it. So while I realize that there are lots of concerns about babies being strapped down, perhaps Homeland Security should try to pass regulations about strapping kids feet to their seats so that while in your flight you don't have to endure the endless seat kicking. Or hair pulling. Perhaps we should just have body suits for small children, if we are gonna get serious about this.

I'm just saying there might be a better way to spend time "ensuring safety." The lives of the horribly behaved children on planes are regularly endangered by the other passengers who endure their hellish actions, and it will only be a matter of time before someone gets creative with their lack of weapons and uses a SkyMall catalog to smack down a little yelling seat kicker.

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