Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Good morning America

I saw an article posted (on Facebook) about how students who use Facebook receive 20% lower grades than those who don't. I read this while "studying" for Marketing. Today during my "studying" session in the computer lab, I realized how pathetic it is that I was frustrated with the time difference because it meant that I had to wait for everyone to wake up and start posting things for me to stalk on Facebook. Each day, our eight am class sits on Facebook talking to the stragglers who are still awake in America, doing their pre-bedtime stalking. Then in our two pm class we talk to the earlier risers, doing their pre-class morning updates and status complaints about having to shovel snow.

I do promise that my life consists of more than Facebook. For the first time since being here, I was able to go downtown today during the day. I had a three hour break because one of my classes is finished, so I had time to walk through Lung Cancer Tunnel and go downtown to get churros and chocolate at a cafe. It was so weird to be downtown when it was a. daytime, b. sunny and c. a week day. People were out living. Living and working and having normal daily life! Which is so strange because I feel like here, everything is always closed. It's either too early to be awake, it is siesta, or the stores just didn't feel like opening.

I would like to say that I spent the day eating churros and enjoying the sun, but in reality I spent the afternoon probably failing my marketing test. I have never been the world's best mutiple choice test taker, since I panick if there are more than two of the same letters in a row, and always want to make neat patters on my scantron. So a test on marketing that was written by someone who isn't a native speaker just added to my inability to narrow down answers. When I got home, I immediately kicked into "I am totally over school it's time for Christmas break mode" and packed for Sweden. On Friday night we are driving to Madrid to get there at three am (my flight is at nine that morning so that will be a fun fun time in the airport) and I figured I might as well get ready now, since I am bound to be late. The only problem is that I packed two suitcases to come here, one full of clothes and one full of food and books. A girl's gotta have her priorities straight when packing for six months. Now that I have packed my bag for Sweden, my closet now looks like I got robbed and was left with only the ugliest and least loved clothing I brought. The next few days will be interesting, going to school wearing things that I don't know why I brought here, let alone why I brought them in the first place. I should probably send out a mass warning to school and everyone on the streets that I am not a freak, just a girl living out of the dregs of her closet.

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