Friday, December 10, 2010

#234 you're a Facebook addict.

Now, to the request of the ever lovely Jessica Mullins, I am going to say just briefly that:
I am very fed up with these ridiculous facebook games like sending someone a number and they post it as their status with their opinion of you. First off, it is completely fake because so many of them say "You are such a great person and you are so wonderful and I wish I knew you better." For real???? If you want to know them better, stop giving them compliments that can't be 100% genuine due to you not knowing them well and also, if you really wanted to hang out you would get off facebook and call them. On top of that, if people sent me numbers, I would have to be honest because we all know how horrible I am at lying (or for those of you who don't, in 7th grade my mom found a book "Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging, which is actually a hilarious book and I highly recommend it, and I progressed to lie and tell her it was about a girl who plays flute and loves it so much that she named it Angus. WHAT???) and therefore I would progress to tell everyone: #11, to be honest, I thought you were five months pregnant when I first met you, or #22 too bad you keep drinking away your grades, good luck getting a job, we'll see who is cool in three years, or #33, who are you? and #44, you are a horrible kisser and #55 I'd like to punch your eye, and #77, rawrrr. However, the whole concept of publishing novels to people seems to be the latest fad and frankly it is just getting tiring to have to sift through endless friend life stories to find a real status update. I mean come on people, I have two hours a day of class to stalk so keep it interesting at least and if you are gonna analyze friends, post something juicy so I can stay entertained. Please.

Jess took particular issue with the changing your picture to a cartoon for child abuse awareness. Theoretically if you wanted to raise awareness you should say "change your picture and donate to an organization that helps them." Or to quote a more effective idea from my ever compassionate friend Chris: oh haha man i must of missed that and shouldnt we be aware of it all the time not just tell the 6th i mean come on after the 6th lots of kids are going to be beaten twice as much to make up for the lost time

The whole idea that changing your picture will really have an impact is slightly skewed, since chances are if a little kid randomly gets on Facebook, seeing your cartoon profile picture is not going to make them feel better. And chances are also that you are going to feel all nice and fuzzy for being aware for a few days that three year olds are going through traumatic things while you sit and Christmas shop online. Real helpful, for that baby or that little boy. So anyway, I just wanted to inform people that, as a fellow Facebook addict, there are some things that just promote being fake, coping out of taking real action on issues like child abuse, and are a nice bandaid for the guilty feeling that people get when they think about actual kids living in houses where abuse occurs. Next time you change your picture, maybe you should change your motives away from Facebook and actually donate or volunteer at a relief center. And instead of posting hundreds of pointless statuses about people you wish you knew better, call them. Put your money where your mouth is and your actions where your words are. And for the love of God's Green Earth, if you are going to post more statuses, please make them a tad more scandalous because studying abroad in Spain does actually involve class and I prefer that you spice up my life if you are going to pollute my Facebook.

(afternote: in a moment of total clever-osity, my roommate decided that she would make up numbers and write really mean things about the fake person.
for example:
‎#8364 i slept with your ex and then we made fun of your pictures on facebook
‎#72 I saw you naked one time and peed myself laughing)

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