Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Te echo de menos

Oh Spain, how I miss you. A piece of my heart is still in Santander. A piece of my heart is in every city I went to and fell in love with.

As I drove home (my home home, the one in Steamboat) I was looking at the sun breaking through the orange leaves and as I drove by was astounded, as I always am, about the fire that bursts off the trees when light hits them right as you fly by in your car. Few things are as beautiful as fall in Colorado. I think I was saved from the lasting heart ache of a boy, because I first fell in love with a place. Falling in love with a place hurts just as much as heart break when you leave it, but unlike a boy who walks away, it stays there waiting for you. And so, as I look back at all the places I have walked away from, I can't help but smile because I know at any point..... I can walk back.

Okay so not literally walk, I can't walk across the ocean, but I can always return. Tonight was the Alumni Dinner for CSU students who went abroad. They asked us to use a pipe cleaner to create a model of how we felt since we have returned. The idea was to create a graph type line of ups and downs. Mine was a plane. I don't feel anything except longing to go back. No ups and downs, just reality. I am here, pieces of my heart are there, and that is so so bittersweet.

All I know is this: the story is absolutely not finished. That is the fantastic thing about our generation: the job market is horrible, and we have access to the world. Those two things give us no better excuse to go live abroad. And so, here is the new goal:
graduate (survive college) and go back. Then the blogs will be exciting again and not full of heart sick rants about how I wish I was still living abroad. Yet here I am, in my dress from Sweden, my scarf from Spain, and my shoes from Italy drinking a pumpkin spice latte and watching the sun go down and you know what? I think life, wherever it has taken me, is pretty damn fabulous.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Novio not so much.

Okay for the LOVE OF GOD. This needs to be said. WHY IS THE ONLY QUESTION I GET ASKED: DID YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND IN SPAIN. Am I that notorious for dating people, or are Spanish men THAT known for being sexy? First off: they are short. Second off: I am not dating for a year. Third off: you are my dad's 50 year old friend, leave me alone! Fourth off: Dating a short sexy Spaniard was not my only motive for going to Spain! And heaven forbid I am attracted to American boys taller than five foot four inches! And just for good riddance: did YOU date someone in Spain? No. Did you live there? No. Did you successfully survive seven months away from home? No. So ask me something interesting like how I survived or if I ate pig ear or if I went to a bull fight! Please don't tell me the ONLY thing the general public knows about Spain is.... MEN!

Also, the rumor mill in Spain says Christiano Ronaldo only looks that fantastic because his plastic surgeon is a god. Cry on ladies, cry on.

Here's the new link to my blog, as this is, technically and though I have said it before, my last post!

LOVE YOU little nuggets of love.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

On to a new blog.

Okay so, as promised to anyone who cares, here is my new blog:

I am making it a goal to write once a week. Or more. But at least once. Let's pick a day so I stay focused. Today is Tuesday, right? Yes. Okay so Tuesdays I will be writing. And probably random days as well. But starting today, every Tuesday I will post something. Today you got a little intro, and a few extras.

Hasta luego, amigos. Espero que has aprendido algo de Espana.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

For any stragglers...

I know I said I was maybe going to keep writing, and that obviously failed. The past few weeks I have completed the following:
an MRI with contrast on my ankle.... where they stick an eight inch needle three inches in with five inches out to inject dye into whatever part you are getting MRI(ed) and then they move it all around. Aka... total terror and panic attack type ordeal.
an advising appointment to plan my next two years :)
an amazing reunion weekend with the girls
a ton of excessive eating and counteractive working out
lots of Harry Potter watching
and plenty of Butcherknife Creek Trail walking.

Basically... I've had a lot of stories to write about, things that I did which were fairly stupid and amusing yet I didn't think to write them down. And most of them seem so silly, compared to Spain and Sweden and my last six months of adventure. So what do I do... stop writing because the adventures are not as exciting? Possibly. Here I am, still debating if I want to continue this. I think what I will actually do is start a new blog about my regular life, when I do, I will post it. That's the new plan. Soooo in the next few days I'll post a new link. If you want to read it, do :) and if not, I hope that my trip and travels provided a small amount of amusement or pleasure. I enjoyed writing for you and hope that someday you will write about your travels for me. If you do, please post the link here so I can follow you :)

Much love and a final Spanish farewell...

Besitos XX Michelle

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Where do we go from here?

I am back in Steamboat now, and it is snowing. Which is a far cry from the beach weather I was laying out in listening to the ocean just a few days ago. Yet those few days seem like a year. The whole coming down, coming off the travel high is strange... it is so great to be home and back where English can get me anything I want. But I feel like I am on a strange vacation where I will be hopping back on a plane to Santander this weekend. Except that I'm not. So that leaves me wondering a few things:
1. What on earth did I learn about life, love, myself, and people in the past six months.
2. How do I expect to lose the flan weight on my thighs if I keep drinking a Starbucks a day.
3. Do I keep blogging about my ridiculous life experiences, like trying to pull open the mouth of my water bottle today at the gym and managing to pull off the entire lid and dump all the water all over the floor, prompting one of the fifteen firemen working out to say "Don't worry... We all saw that."
4. How do you respond to people who ask about a six month experience? "Well, I drank a ton, ate a ton, traveled a ton, and yes I think I am fluent but no I don't plan on going back to live there again." Does that sum it up enough? Or something like "Well my entire life outlook is different, I am still obsessed with cows and cheese, and NO I did not have a Spanish boyfriend because they are all midgets and creepy." Even my boss asked me if I had a boyfriend over there; I wonder if it is just a norm to take a Spanish lover while studying there? Did I miss that boat? Because I'm starting to feel like I need to create a fantasy man named Mario who was 6'4", suave and sexy to play off as my Spanish boyfriend so I seem more scandalous and worldly.
5. And lastly, I am wondering how I wrap this all up on one sandwhich of memories I don't want to forget, mixed with some kind of reflection and getting in touch with my emotions. Frankly, that sounds just awful to me. So then we get back to the idea that maybe I keep writing this for the sake of being able to get at least 1/100th of my random thoughts out of my brain and you can all just stop reading since it will no longer be about Spain? Who knows.

So the bottom line and the moral of the story and the punch line is that I haven't decided if I am ready to accept being home and thus finish this blog. Not to mention that I keep making a fool of myself and perhaps it provides some comic relief for when you are having a bad day. Or if you don't like me maybe it gives you less things to black mail me about since I'm coming out and admitting them right off the bat. Although I did forget that one of the firemen made a pee joke about the water spilling. Having an excess of water without shooting it out of a hose was probably new for him. Okay that's enough. I'll keep being confused and we'll see what happens. But either way, thank you if you have stuck with me through this experience, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I just check my site stats, out of curiosity, and found this fairly hilarious. I am glad to know my blog is being used to ensure that no babies are the victim of any strange diseases or birth defects fear to be associated it.... tapas? I don't think so :) but apperantly someone was worried they might be dangerous! Hopefully I set her straight and she found something about the excessive eating I have done to encourage her to consume lots and lots of food.

Search Keywords
tapas ok for pregnant women spain

Are we there yet?

These past few days have been crazy; I keep meaning to get on and write about my last days here, to remember everything before I go back and before it is over. But somehow writing about it seems too simple, like it is better if I just play everything back again and again so I don't ever forget. Just a few minutes ago Tete came into my room with an armful of gifts: dark chocolate truffles, a scarf, and some gifts for my family. After a year, she knows the two perfect gifts to give me, she knows I prefer tomato and cucumber salad to lettuce, she knows I worry about my sisters and would rather read all night than go out. She is, in the most loving way, my mom. Tomorrow she will head to Italy for seven days of driving around and causing Tete travel chaos, and her daughter will come stay with me for my last few days. Which is fine, I'm not looking forward to saying goodbye though, not to mention the lack of her cooking.

So just a rundown of my last week or so... Friday it was fantastic weather and I spent three hours out on the beach tanning, reading, watching Spanish boys in inappropriately small swim trunks play volleyball, and napping. Perfect day? I'd say so :) Then Friday night I spent time with Tete and had a long dinner, did a bit of work on my paper over the Lehman Brothers responsibility in the global economic crisis, and watched a movie. Saturday I started really packing, aka attempting to fit double what I arrived with into the same amount of space at the same amount of weight. Which is not too hard, since the majority of what was in one suitcase upon arrival was ten boxes of crackers and four pounds of fudge, and we can't forget the cookies and gummy bears I brought. So those are no replaced with two new pairs of boots and three new purses, and the two jackets I brought now share their space with my new leather jacket. And as far as scarves go... there's just no hope for those. There will be a few left behind as victims of my credit card scarf buying frenzi. As of now, both my suitcases weigh in at 50 pounds, and I have two pairs of shoes, all my undies and socks, lots of tank tops, lots of chocolate and my laptops to fit into my carry on. That task will be for tomorrow, when it will be raining (supposedly but hopefully not) and I can leave out just the bare essentials to be shoved in at the last minute. Being left out will be: my bikini, as I intend to spend all of Friday on the beach in the sun (please 71 degree forecast be right for once), my jammies, sweats, tennies, and one cute shirt for wearing out on our last night. Other than that, I will be existing in the same outfits with new undies each day so I avoid having to wash anything or unpack.

After the packing started Saturday I went for some Regma (delicious) and on a walk around Magdelena. I'm hoping to make it there one more time before I go, but I figure I have to take advantage of every chance I get to see green before I get back to grey/brown/snow/slush. And then Saturday night I went to Casa Lita for some tapas, again hoping to ensure I made it there at least once before leaving. I had the chicken and shrimp curry skewer, and nearly died in food heaven. Then more paper working, which really translated to Bones watching and wishing Booth was my real life FBI snipper boyfriend. And that I had a really awesome brain with the capacities of any of the people on that show.

Sunday I went to get lunch with Maria and her family; we went to a restaurant near Cabezon del Sal, which is near the town I visited last fall and this spring again called Comillas. In Spanish I think the phrase "Are we there yet?" is exchanged for "Donde estamos? Where are we?" and is repeated as incessantly as any America child stuck in a car for longer than 11 minutes. I suppose the "Are we there yet?" phrase does fit pretty well with the feelings I have had this week... I don't want to leave but at the same time since I have too, the work to be done, the things to be organized and most importantly the food that needs to be eaten just seems to prolong it. With Maria's family, I ate something I have done my best to avoid for six months: morcilla, which is pigs blood and rice fried... it looks like sausage and you peel off the wrapper so that you just have the rice and it is actually/horrifyingly/surprisingly delicious. Then we had croqettes, which is typical breaded cheese meat type nuggets of goodness, and for the main course we had cocido montones, which was NOT the same as what I had when Theresa was here. This time the meat came separately and did not include pig's ear. It was the most delicous meal I have had since getting here. And to top if off, or to ensure I would have a food baby the size of Alaska, I had arroz con leche for dessert, which is essentially like rice pudding with cinnamon. The amount of food I consumed in a two day period was spectacular and I am still surprised that I even get hungry now, I probably ate enough to keep me alive without food for a month.

Sunday night I worked on my paper and studied for my two finals I had yesterday. It was kind of a let down after such a full day of eating, but I guess that's the real life side of Spain. The tests yesterday went well and my paper is all turned in. I shipped off a box to Sweden today (just a note, you can't even use a credit card at a post office in Spain, if you ever come please bring lots of cash) and then attempted to close my ever-difficult BancoSantander account. For as hard as it was to get my debit card, it is harder to close the account. You have to go back to the original branch where you opened it, so hopefully if you moved to a new city you have money to fly back to close it, if you even remember where you opened it to begin with. So that got taken off my to-do list for today and replaced with an hour walk along the beach and sea shell collecting. Which brings us up to this afternoon and Tete giving me my presents and me almost crying. The reality that I will actually go home on Saturday doesn't seem real, since all I really can think about is how long the trip will be. We are heading to Madrid at 9:45 on Friday night, and my flight is at 11:30 on Saturday morning. Which means I'll have about eight hours in the Madrid airport before my flight. Then I'll fly to New York, and then have a bit of a layover before my flight to Denver, and then another layover before my flight to Hayden. At which end will be my family :) How weird is that?

Like I said, writing this doesn't do it justice. There's no way to preserve or express this feeling of pending change but stagnant waiting. As much as I want to be home, I don't want to leave. I'd love to be able to find the words to save this experience but after these 101 blog posts, I just realize even more how much the memories are greater than the words.