Tuesday, April 19, 2011

For any stragglers...

I know I said I was maybe going to keep writing, and that obviously failed. The past few weeks I have completed the following:
an MRI with contrast on my ankle.... where they stick an eight inch needle three inches in with five inches out to inject dye into whatever part you are getting MRI(ed) and then they move it all around. Aka... total terror and panic attack type ordeal.
an advising appointment to plan my next two years :)
an amazing reunion weekend with the girls
a ton of excessive eating and counteractive working out
lots of Harry Potter watching
and plenty of Butcherknife Creek Trail walking.

Basically... I've had a lot of stories to write about, things that I did which were fairly stupid and amusing yet I didn't think to write them down. And most of them seem so silly, compared to Spain and Sweden and my last six months of adventure. So what do I do... stop writing because the adventures are not as exciting? Possibly. Here I am, still debating if I want to continue this. I think what I will actually do is start a new blog about my regular life, when I do, I will post it. That's the new plan. Soooo in the next few days I'll post a new link. If you want to read it, do :) and if not, I hope that my trip and travels provided a small amount of amusement or pleasure. I enjoyed writing for you and hope that someday you will write about your travels for me. If you do, please post the link here so I can follow you :)

Much love and a final Spanish farewell...

Besitos XX Michelle

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