Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Novio not so much.

Okay for the LOVE OF GOD. This needs to be said. WHY IS THE ONLY QUESTION I GET ASKED: DID YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND IN SPAIN. Am I that notorious for dating people, or are Spanish men THAT known for being sexy? First off: they are short. Second off: I am not dating for a year. Third off: you are my dad's 50 year old friend, leave me alone! Fourth off: Dating a short sexy Spaniard was not my only motive for going to Spain! And heaven forbid I am attracted to American boys taller than five foot four inches! And just for good riddance: did YOU date someone in Spain? No. Did you live there? No. Did you successfully survive seven months away from home? No. So ask me something interesting like how I survived or if I ate pig ear or if I went to a bull fight! Please don't tell me the ONLY thing the general public knows about Spain is.... MEN!

Also, the rumor mill in Spain says Christiano Ronaldo only looks that fantastic because his plastic surgeon is a god. Cry on ladies, cry on.

Here's the new link to my blog, as this is, technically and though I have said it before, my last post!

LOVE YOU little nuggets of love.

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